Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Decorating With Wooden Spools

Hello friends, is anybody else as crazy about wooden spools as I am???
We have an old wooden spool in our backyard that I found on Craigslist a while back. 
Each season I decorate it a bit different and it adds rustic charm to our otherwise
BLAAAHHHH cement patio in the backyard. 

I have been finding many gorgeous images of wire spools all over blog-land 
and Instagram. I now have a large Pinterest board on wire spools and I think 
I need to share the spool goodness!

So I put together a post with some of my favorite"WOODEN SPOOLS". 
So here ya go sweets...I hope you will get one after seeing these pictures!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Would Love Your Input On Choosing A Paint Color

Hi sweet friends, totally boring post today!
You might remember me mentioning in a previous post that I don't like the paint color 
in our dining room I repainted a while ago (too much yellow in it).  Well I am getting
ready to have the room repainted and today I slapped on some Sherwin Williams 

paint samples on each wall in the dining room. Would love to hear 
your thoughts...

I suck picking paint colors (CLEARLY, otherwise I would not have to re-paint the room)

Thursday, January 5, 2017

2016 in Review

Hello and Happy New Year and all the best to all of you!!! Another year has gone by 
so fast and here we are in 2017.

We still have family over from Germany, so it's been a little slow on my blog 
and I am wayyyyy behind on catching up on reading everybody else's  blogs.

I typed up this quick post last night with a look back of my top posts from 2016. This might
give you a chance to catch up on some posts you might have missed during the year.