Is it too late to show off our summer patio?
I know a lot of you guys are in "FALL MODE" already. Not me...
I am trying to hold on to summer for as long as I can this year!
Well, let's get to it....
Here is a corner on our upper deck. I recently scored this cool vintage wicker room divider on FB Marketplace. Originally I wanted to use it for the master bedroom but it never made it upstairs.
I just love it for the outdoors, but will store it in the garage for the winter for sure. The black Moroccan lantern was an Etsy find and flew in from Marrakesh.
Can you see Mr. Bugsy hiding behind the lantern?
By the way he ate my pretty purple flowers you see here in the picture ..THE NERVE!
Here is a weird narrow corner on the upper deck, since Bugsy has the run
of this space I need to keep all openings covered so he can't escape.
I found this vintage window that fits perfectly here to keep him in.
So are you digging those old trash cans? I like to decorate with things that are out
of the norm wherever I can.
Ok, off to the lower cement patio in the backyard....
Since our summer vacation was cancelled this year, we sure have been having fun
in this INTEX pool.
Here is another old window I hung from the fence, I love old rubbish especially for the outdoors!
The cool Macramé sun umbrella is from World Market, and yikes I am just noticing
that I forgot to move my flip-flops out of the picture....I'm such a pro!
I hung some wicker baskets on the fence, will take them down for the winter as well,
but it sure brings the inside out for the summer. The outdoor pillows and throws
are also from World Market.
Isn't this froggy just sooo cute, he likes the pool as much as we do and I am happy to share!
And as promised, I want to share some cute pics of our furry cuties enjoying
summer as well....
Our 2 cats are ferals we rescued as kittens. We don't let them go outside but they
get to be on the back deck when supervised and they love it.
Our Bugsy is an old Grandpa bunny by now. He is 10 years old and could seriously benefit
from hearing aids and glasses by His rabbit hutch is on this deck and
he has the run of the entire area. The furry ball here with him is a STARTREK tribble
but he uses it as his girlfriend if you get my drift!
I love this picture of our Teddy peeking over the fence to see what the neighbors are up to!
And here we have some "not so cute anymore" and "none-furry" creatures
enjoying the last days of summer in Washington State.
I hope I won't get in trouble posting this picture, since our teenager does not want
me to post pics of him anymore!!!! Boooohoooooo
Thanks so very much for visiting my little blog. I haven't shared anything since Christmas here,
but you can find me on Instagram where I share more frequently.
I really need to invest a little more time here and fix some quirks. A sweet reader told me that
one cannot leave a comment here if not on blogger. I will have to look into that.
Until my next post , toodleloo peeps !!!

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