Thursday, March 22, 2018

A Spring Porch and a Blog Hop

Hi there peeps, this week I am joining 25 blogging friends for a "Spring Blog Hop"! 
The BLOG HOP goes on all week and each day has a different theme. We've got 
Spring Vignettes, Tablescapes, Recipes, Front Porches & Mantles for you.  
Links to everyone's blogs appear at the end of this post.

Today's theme is "Front Porches". The person before me in the "Blog Hop" is Stacey from 
Poofing The Pillowsso if you hopped on over from her amazing porch "Welcome". 

and is our porch!  

If you follow my blog you know that I always thrive for a "Natural Look". No matter what season, 
I keep using old buckets, baskets and crates in different ways. The only "NEW" thing
I purchased for this years porch are the wooden egg string-lights displayed to the right
hanging from the wired crate.

Wait, I am lying. I also purchased 3 paper mache letters at JoAnne's to make the "HOP" 
display for the wall (more details on that little project coming in my next post).

I used fresh moss, flowers and driftwood branches.

I found these cute wooden egg battery operated string-lights at Home Goods 
the other day, the perfect look for what I was going for.

Moss & Easter eggs, how can you go wrong? I've had the moss wrapped around the chandelier 
since our last Blog Hop (click HERE for that post) and it did super good during the winter. 
However now that Spring is here and it's warming up the moss is on it's way out. 
I've been misting it with a spray bottle each day but it is bone dry by the following day. 
Fresh moss needs roots to stay alive, which obviously it cannot do on metal.

Love my vintage pulley holding up the wire basket with my pretty spring flowers 
from the arch, click HERE for more on that post.

Well, I hope you had fun visiting and you found a little Spring Inspiration! 

Since this is a BLOG HOP, please "Hop On Over" to  
Jen next from Noting Grace to visit her gorgeous Spring Porch. 

Another HUGE thank you to Kendra from 
Joy In Our Home for hosting...MUAHHHH Kendra!

OK, now let's check out the rest of the Blog Hop. Visit these awesome bloggers for tons of 
Spring Inspiration for each day of the week (links below pics). 

Tablescapes on Monday

Recipes on Wednesday

 Front Porches on Thursday

 Mantles on Friday

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1 comment:

  1. I have questions about growing tulips in a bucket. Did you plant the bulbs last fall in the bucket? or do you have to transplant them to the bucket in the spring? Can they stay in the bucket all year and overwinter in the bucket? or do you have to dig up the bulbs when they're done blooming and replant them in the fall? If they can stay in the bucket over winter, should they be protected in a shed, etc., or should they be out in the snow and weather like tulips planted in the ground are. Thanks for your advice!


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