Hello and Guten Tag sweet friends, once again it's been a while
since my last blog post. I injured my rotator cuff some time ago
and tried to avoid being on the computer as much as I could. The
shoulder/arm needed rest and since I work all day on the computer,
I simply did not have the strength left to do much decorating
or blogging in my free time.
Sooo, on another note we just got back from a 3 week trip to
Europe and I got some pics to share with you. Since my blog
is really about "Decor", I don't want to bore you with too many
of our personal travel pics, but share some inspiring places
and decor I loved while traveling.
So, first stop Germany...(my home)
Isn't this a cool old castle? It's called Schloss Berlepsch, I totally wanted
to snatch all those old baskets and bottles....I have just the right place
at home for all that crap...lol
Luv this pic of Robbie looking down into the valley.
had to make a face.
Next stop France
This gorgeous old city is called Colmar, France and it's located
in the Alsace region and borders Germany. In fact it used to belong
to Germany at one point.
make a silly face again....
Super cute and cozy old houses and alleys everywhere.
We took a little boat tour around the town.
Fresh Pretzel's anyone?
I "heart" these windows.
3rd Stop Switzerland

Here we are in Lucerne, Switzerland

This is a world famous wooden bridge called the Kapellbrücke

Stunning, isn't it?

Switzerland is super clean and simply gorgeous!
Here we are in getting ready to take the worlds steepest train ride
up the Pilatus mountain
Just a peek going up the mountain.
And NO, they did NOT sing "RICOLA"...darn

Aren't these typical Swiss style homes up in the hills gorgeous?
I was really temped to go ring on some door bells and ask if I
can come in for a snoop.

Hey, that wasn't bathwater.
Awww, Robbie made some new bunny friends while having
lunch in Switzerland.
And how cute is this Swiss bunny hottie? Oh how I wanted to steal her
and bring her home to our Bugsy.
These are my brothers neighbors across the street. Oh, I forgot to mention my brother has been living in Switzerland for the past 10 years, which is why we spend several days there.
If you follow my blog you might have heard about my best friend
Michi who lives in beautiful Bavaria before? I have shared her
home here on my blog before. Well, we got to go shopping and
have fun together and here are some pics of decor ideas I loved.

Oh yes and my husband got to carry the bags.
Another thing I love about Germany is that the people are so animal
friendly. Most restaurants allow dogs to come in as long as they are
on a leash. This is my Dad's dog Carla who took to Robbie really quickly.
You see water bowls like this for dogs everywhere...luv it!
Oh and let's share another beautiful castle before we fly back home.
This one is called Ronneburg
I love this picture of my Mom sitting in the castle kitchen reading
her guide. The lighting was perfect too.

Pehhhhewwww, this was a long arse post! I hope you guys enjoyed
the pics. Please pin away for inspiration peeps! I will try to blog
more once the summer is over and my shoulder is fully healed!
the pics. Please pin away for inspiration peeps! I will try to blog
more once the summer is over and my shoulder is fully healed!
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